Sunday, July 5, 2009

Web Sites

Well it was a great 4th of July and ate a lot of food. Thank God for family and friends. We have a myspace site up for the film project and yeah we have a facebook site we are currently working on. We will have an official web site coming soon with video interviews, photos and more info about the progress. Casting is coming soon this August 1st and we are all stoked and ready to check out the talent as we make our decision of who will be our next "BENNY." Here's the myspace site, please come by and request us:


  1. Looking forward to seeing how all this works out...
    Couldn't have picked anyone better than Donald.

  2. Thanks. DC is one of the most talented and coolest individuals that I have ever had the opportunity to work with. He will bring out great ideas in the future of this project. Spread the word, we are still going to be casting/auditioning for the Benny role.
