Monday, July 13, 2009

Great Meeting

Just to touch base and let everyone out there who actually read our blogs; We had a very successful 3 way conference call Thursday the 9th with our casting and music director and we received very good feedback and ideas to add to the story as well as the format of the film. We adjusted the casting/auditions notices and are getting ready for the August 1st call. This past Sunday was even better; We went to Church and the pastors prayed over the project. The service was taught by our youth pastor and He was a huge inspiration for the film. We met with our Film's Music Director after Church Sunday and met his family for the first and listened to some original songs he is working on and had a blast. It was an awesome experience filled with the fact that this film is moving forward and have made new friends along the way. Stay tuned, there's new information coming in everyday. We are stoked and hope you will be too. God bless, stay safe and Rock On!

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