Thursday, July 23, 2009

Latest News

We went out on a scouting venture looking at some talent at a local music school and witnessed some awesome musicians in all ages. These kids age range from 8 all the way up in their teens and have a love for music. We met some pretty kool teachers as well and they work out really well with the youth. We listen to many cover songs and were just blown away at how far they have come. We also got word that there will be up to 30 plus auditioners coming out to our auditions August 1st and it's growing everyday. There's some pretty awesome times coming in the near future and we are getting pumped up as the days go by. We also made a contact with a local instrument maker who can custom make our bands guitars and bass in any way we design. We also have some interviews coming up with a local newspaper , radio station and music magazine that will help promote the band as well as the film. Stay tuned, and thanks for all of your prayers...Rock on!!!

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